Turning - ISO Inserts & Holders

External Toolholders for Negative Inserts
Large variety of external turning/facing toolholders for holding Negative Inserts (inserts that can be flipped to use both faces). Use our refine search to select holders by: Shank size; Insert Shape; Insert Size; Hand of tool; Approach angle; Clamp mechanism; and Through coolant capability.
Internal Boring Bars for Negative Inserts
These holders accept ISO Negative Inserts e.g. CNMG, DNMG, SNMG, WNMGThese holders are best enlarging and shaping larger internal bores and are the most economical type as their inserts that can be both rotated AND flipped over to use the alternate face
Negative Carbide Turning Inserts
Negative inserts are held in tool holders and boring bars by a clamping mechanism (rather than a screw). In addition to being rotated for a new cutting edge they can often be flipped over to use the alternate face.
External Toolholders for Positive Inserts
Large variety of external turning/facing holders, with a choice of shank sizes, insert clamp mechanisms and approach angles. Our holders cover most positive and negative relief ISO insert shapes and sizes.
Internal Boring Bars for Positive Inserts
These holders accept ISO Positive Inserts e.g. CCMT, DCMT, TCMT, VCMT etcThese holders are best enlarging and shaping small internal bores. These inserts can only be rotated to use new cutting edges and are retained in the holder by a torx screw
Positive Carbide Turning Inserts
These inserts are clamped in a toolholder by only a single screw and have a relief angle on the side (allowing clearance if machining small bores). They can be rotated to use new edges but are restricted to one usable face and cannot be flipped over to use other side (like a negative insert).
External Holders - Swiss/Automatic Lathes

All external toolholders for Automatic CNC Lathes (also known as Swiss Lathes).

Coolant Connection Spares for Turning
A variety of: hoses, crush washers, adaptors and other fittings to connect your through coolant toolholder to your machine.
Tool Holder & Boring Bar Spares
Selection of spare: Screws; Levers; Shims/Seats; Shim Pins; Clamps; and Clamp Screws for External toolholders and Internal boring bars.